FMPHost is proud to announce the immediate availability of our popular FileMaker Pro RemoteApp services to our Los Angeles, CA, USA and Frankfurt, DE facilities. These two facilities join Atlanta, GA, USA and London, UK in offering RemoteApp Services.
With our FileMaker Pro RemoteApp Service, you can run FileMaker Pro in our facility. You get the power of our hardware, the advantage of our customer support, and most importantly the close proximity of our database servers to give you the ultimate speed in accessing your remote database. The FileMaker Pro RemoteApp service works a lot like other remote desktop technologies, but without the desktop. You only get the screen updates of FileMaker Pro streamed to you. The FileMaker Pro RemoteApp service also has access to your local drives and printers. It feels like you are running FileMaker Pro locally on your own computer!
Click Here to Start Your 15 Day Free Trial of FileMaker Pro RemoteApp!
And don’t forget to add a 15 day free trial of our FileMaker 17 Dedicated Database Hosting to place your databases in the FMPHost Cloud.